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კელი დეგნანი - საქართველო ავტორიტარიზმისკენ მიყავთ იმ ძალებს, რომლებსაც ძალაუფლების შენარჩუნების ეგზისტენციალური საჭიროება აქვთ
ირაკლი კუპრაძე სასამართლო დარბაზიდან გაათავისუფლეს
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აშშ-ის სახელმწიფო დეპარტამენტი - ღრმად იმედგაცრუებულები ვართ საქართველოს პარლამენტის გადაწყვეტილებით
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NYT releases new video evidence of executions of Ukrainians by Russian soldiers in Bucha

05.20.2022 | 13:38 ნახვები: 224

The New York Times published new evidence of atrocities committed by the Russian military during the occupation of Bucha, Kyiv region.

The publication analyzed videos obtained by their colleagues with The Times, showing occupiers executing at least eight Ukrainian men, Ukrinform reports with reference to NYT.

The first video from surveillance cameras on March 4 shows the Russian paratroopers leading nine hunchbacked Ukrainian prisoners (among them a man wearing a bright blue jacket). The newspaper emphasizes that this video is the clearest evidence that these people were detained by Russian soldiers just a few minutes before the execution.

Eight witnesses told The Times that Russian soldiers then took the men toward a nearby office building, which the occupiers seized, turning it into a temporary base. Shots were then heard and the Ukrainian men never returned.

The video shot by a drone, taken a day later, on March 5, was the first visual evidence to confirm eyewitness accounts, the newspaper said. It shows the corpses lying on the ground outside an office building at 144 Yablunska Street, and next to them on guard - two Russian soldiers. Among the bodies was a bright blue jacket.

It should be recalled that as of May 4, law enforcers have already found and identified the bodies of 1,235 victims of Russian aggression in Kyiv region, the chief of local police reported. Another 282 bodies are yet to be identified. Most of these victims were shot.

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