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British intelligence names issues N. Korean troops to face in Russia

02.11.2024 ნახვები: 350

The North Korean military, set to fight against Ukraine, will face problems with compatibility with Russian troops and the use of equipment.

That’s according to the British Ministry of Defense, referring to intelligence data, Ukrinform reports.

Analysts note that, according to Western intelligence estimates, about 10,000 North Korean military service members have been dispatched to Russia and, almost certainly, some of them are already deployed in Kursk region bordering Ukraine.

Read also: N.Korea, Russia launch cooperation in high tech development

Russian and North Korean forces will most likely face interoperability challenges if they have not previously run joint military exercises. In addition, North Korean troops, which will be involved in hostilities, will obviously experience problems while operating Russian equipment, as well as issues with integrating into the Russian command and control structure and overcoming the language barrier, intelligence reports.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Russia and the DPRK undertook to deepen bilateral partnership by concluding in June the Agreement on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which contains a clause on mutual defense. Russia’s lawmakers ratified the deal on October 24.


Meanwhile, the Estonian intelligence agency believes the participation of North Korean units in the battles on the Ukrainian front will not bring much change at the moment, adding that these forces will likely suffer heavy losses.

Photo: KCNA

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