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მამუკა ხაზარაძე - არალეგიტიმური ხელისუფლების ნებისმიერი ქმედება, მათ შორის ე.წ. პრეზიდენტის დანიშვნა, კანონგარეშეა

"Wants to impress": NATO explains why Russia attacked Ukraine on eve of summit

10.07.2024 ნახვები: 279

Russia, by shelling Ukraine's civilian infrastructure, is trying to "impress" NATO members during the summit in Washington.

This opinion was expressed by an official of the Alliance in a conversation with journalists during the summit, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. 

"We've seen this in the past," the source said, noting that Russia uses missiles and drones for attacks such as the shelling of the Okhmatdyt children's hospital. 

According to him, similar actions should be expected during the NATO summit.

According to the official, Russia may carry out strikes throughout the week to "impress and make progress in Ukraine". 

Answering a question about the rapprochement between Russia and North Korea, the NATO official said that Putin is seeking to increase arms supplies from that country. He recalled that Russia receives artillery ammunition and ballistic missiles from the DPRK: "They would like to continue to increase the volume of supplies from Iran and, of course, they would like to get ammunition from China. Right now". 

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According to the official, NATO does not see "China providing direct supplies of lethal weapons to Russia". At the same time, Beijing is "providing critical auxiliary equipment" for the Russian defence industry, the source said.

He added that NATO welcomes South Korea's willingness to provide Ukraine with weapons.

As reported, the NATO summit is taking place in Washington on 9-11 July, with the Ukrainian delegation headed by President Volodymyr Zelensky participating.

Photo: Flickr

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