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Zelensky: Russia has concentrated its army in Ukraine, so it is engaging DPRK military in Kursk region

01.11.2024 ნახვები: 301

Russia is engaging the North Korean military in the Kursk region because it lacks its own resources - it uses its entire army exclusively on the territory of Ukraine.

According to Ukrinform, President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in an interview with the South Korean TV channel KBS.

“Russia really wants us to leave this territory [Kursk region]. This is a specific slap in the face for it. This is what I have always told my partners, and they did not believe it. That Russia uses its entire army exclusively on the territory of Ukraine, against Ukraine. Russia is not protected by anything. All of their weak troops remained on the territory of Russia. All the untrained, non-combatant units that are not capable of defending their country. Our first operation in the Kursk region proved this. Russia has now concentrated about 45,000 troops where there were no people. And it will continue to increase this number. They do not have enough troops. They are pulling more North Korean troops there. And if they didn't want to restore their territorial integrity there, why do they want to get North Korean troops there, besides their own troops? Because they don't have enough. They lack their own forces, their armed forces,” Zelensky said.

Read also: Ukraine will ask South Korea for weapons - Zelensky

According to him, the Russians wanted to capture, destroy, and kill people in northern Ukraine, near the city of Sumy. “We did not allow them to do so - we took a preventive step,” the head of state emphasized.

As reported, earlier President Volodymyr Zelensky said that 3,000 North Korean soldiers are already fighting on the side of Russia, and soon their number will increase to 12,000.

Photo: OP

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