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მამუკა ხაზარაძე - მოსახლეობას სიმშვიდისკენ მოვუწოდებთ
ALDE და Liberal International - ახალი პრეზიდენტის „არჩევა“ ქართველი ხალხის სურვილებს არ ასახავს
„საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო“ - ყაველაშვილი ერთპარტიულად დანიშნული არალეგიტიმური პრეზიდენტია
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ეგრეთ წოდებულმა საარჩევნო კოლეგიამ ეგრეთ წოდებულ პრეზიდენტად მიხეილ ყაველაშვილი აირჩია
მამუკა ხაზარაძე - არალეგიტიმური ხელისუფლების ნებისმიერი ქმედება, მათ შორის ე.წ. პრეზიდენტის დანიშვნა, კანონგარეშეა

Trudeau calls for doubling down efforts to help Ukraine

31.10.2024 ნახვები: 250

Russia is trying to wear down Ukraine's forces by causing war fatigue among Kyiv’s international partners, which further proves the need to strengthen support for Kyiv.

That’s according to Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who spoke in Montreal at the ministerial conference on the human dimension of the Peace Formula.

"In these challenging times – and make no mistake, every democracy in the world is now facing challenging times – it would be convenient (and certainly some say) that we have our own problems at home, we can’t keep our support for Ukraine. But that’s exactly what the Kremlin wants. They have a long view of history. They have no issue sending thousands of their citizens to die while waiting us out. That’s why we must all double down," Trudeau said.

Read also: Ukraine should be allowed to strike deep inside Russia - Trudeau

He emphasized that for Putin, the invasion of Ukraine was "mistake after mistake after mistake".

"Because there is certainly one thing he did not account for: the strength, resilience and courage of the Ukrainian people. After nearly a thousand days your resolve has never been stronger. Your belief in free, democratic, secure and proud Ukraine is unwavering and the coming victory will be yours it will be all of ours," Trudeau is convinced.

As reported, a two-day thematic conference on the fourth point of the Ukrainian Peace Formula, the Release of prisoners of war and deportees, kicked off in Montreal on Wednesday. Representatives from nearly 70 countries and international organizations are taking part in the event, jointly organized by Canada and Norway as co-chairs of the working group on the implementation of the said formula point. It is expected that a joint communique will be adopted at the conference.

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland

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