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Revenge for Okhmatdyt: border guards show how Russian tank was destroyed near Vovchansk

10.07.2024 ნახვები: 305

In the Vovchansk direction, border guards of the Shkval unit destroyed a Russian tank using FPV drones and hit several positions of the invaders.

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported this and published a video, Ukrinform reports. 

On Monday, July 8, fighters of the Shkval unit destroyed an enemy tank, which "caught fire, moved several hundred meters further, and eventually provided Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance men with an epic video of its ammunition detonation."

Border guards also used mortars and FPV drones to hit several enemy positions.

Read also: Liashko: New building of Okhmatdyt can be restored within three months

"The defenders dedicated this day of struggle to sacred revenge for all Ukrainian children who suffered as a result of an enemy missile attack on the Okhmatdyt hospital in Kyiv," the SBGSU said.

As Ukrinform reported, border guards destroyed two Russian Lancet drones in the Kharkiv region.

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