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ემანუელ მაკრონის განცხადებით, მზადაა, საერთო ევროპულ თავდაცვაში ბირთვული იარაღის როლის შესახებ დებატები გახსნას
მეუფე იაკობი - ქვეყანაში უკვე მესამე რევოლუციის მცდელობაა, მაგრამ მაგას ვერავინ მოესწრება, ქართველებმა უკვე ჭკუა ვისწავლეთ
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Meloni shows no support for Macron’s idea of foreign troops on Ukraine soil

03.20.2024 | 11:12 ნახვები: 211

Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni rejected French President Emmanuel Macron’s suggestion that NATO troops could be deployed in Ukraine saying the move risked unacceptable escalation in the conflict with Russia.

The head of government spoke before the country’s parliament on Tuesday, Ukrinform reports, referring to ANSA.

"I reiterate also in this Chamber that our position is not in favor of this hypothesis, a harbinger of a dangerous escalation to be avoided at all costs," the prime minister said.

Read also: Macron has every right to talk about sending French troops to Ukraine - White House

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Emmanuel Macron repeatedly suggested that, although there is no consensus at the moment on deploying NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine, "nothing can be ruled out." "We will do everything necessary to prevent Russia from winning this war," he stressed.

Photo: Getty Images

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