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Mine clearance vehicle damaged after driving over anti-tank mine near Izium

03.26.2024 | 10:58 ნახვები: 256

In the Izium district of Kharkiv region, a demining vehicle blew up on an anti-tank mine while clearing the area of explosive objects.

That’s according to the State Emergency Service, Ukrinform reports.

"After an anti-tank mine exploded, the major part of the GCS-200 demining vehicle, the rotor, sustained damage," the report reads.


According to rescuers, the incident brought no casualties.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, a tractor exploded on an anti-tank mine in Kharkiv region’s Izium district, leaving a civilian man injured.

GCS-200 is an unmanned explosive ordnance disposal platform able to conduct counter-improvised explosive device, mine-clearance and runway clearance missions. The platforms are produced by a Swiss-based Global Clearance Solutions at its capacities in Germany.

Photo: SES

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