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Admiral Levchenko ship catches fire in northern Russia - Pletenchuk

11.06.2024 ნახვები: 203

A fire broke out on the Russian large anti-submarine ship Admiral Levchenko in the Barents Sea.

The spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk, said this on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.


"Enemy equipment is burning. More precisely, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Levchenko in the Barents Sea. The ongoing struggle for survival is, we hope, in vain. This is what happens when the Russian Federation receives sanctions from Ukraine and cannot maintain the engines produced in Mykolaiv on its own. 10 years was not enough to solve this problem. One of the units caught fire," Pletenchuk wrote.

Read also: Russian Federation patrols Black Sea with submarines after its ships are hit

He added that the ship's crew numbered several hundred people.

As reported, on the evening of 8 June, in the Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea, Russian tugboat Engineer Smirnov and barge Section-179 were attacked by drones.

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