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Russian defense not able to fully meet needs of war in 2024 - British intelligence

01.03.2024 ნახვები: 411

The Russian defense industry significantly increased production last year, but is unable to fully meet the needs of military operations against Ukraine.

This was reported on social network X by the British Ministry of Defense, citing intelligence data, Ukrinform reported.

“The Russian defence industry significantly increased its production output in 2023. This was achieved by expanding the workforce to roughly 3.5 million people, increasing shift patterns and expanding existing production lines, coupled with bringing idle production capacity back into service”, the report says.

Read also: Russia running “hybrid” war against Italy ahead of election – intelligence

According to British intelligence, a significant proportion of this increased output comes from refurbishment and modernisation of existing stocks rather than new production. For example, the vast majority of main battle tanks produced in 2023 consisted of refurbished vehicles.

Artillery munition production rose sharply in 2023 and will likely increase further in 2024. However, munition production is likely to peak in the next 12 months due to capacity constraints. 

“Although the defence industry is unable to fully meet the demands of Russian operations against Ukraine, it is almost certainly capable of delivering a materiel advantage over Ukraine throughout 2024”, the report says.

Read also: Russia engages intelligence operatives to create sanctions evasion networks - RUSI

As reported, an MP and member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence, Fedir Venislavskyi, said that Russia has enough resources to continue the war.

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