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Netherlands signals support for Ukraine's security efforts - Zelensky

20.11.2023 ნახვები: 245

The Dutch government's decision to allocate more than EUR 2 billion next year in mainly security assistance to Ukraine is an important signal of support for efforts to restore the world order.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in his video address, Ukrinform reports.

"Thank you, Mark, Mr. Prime Minister, and I am also grateful to the entire Dutch society. This is a timely signal. It is important to feel that the defense of freedom is backed by reliable and sincere support," he said.

Several more meetings with Ukraine's partners are scheduled for next week.

"There will be an important activity – new communication with our partners. The key thing now is to make sure that support for Ukraine will be sufficient next year as well. I thank all the countries considering this issue in the same way as we do. This signal must be sent to Russia: no matter what they do, the world will not get tired of defending freedom and international order," Zelensky said.

Earlier reports said that the Netherlands would send a new package of military aid to Ukraine, valued at EUR 2 billion. The funds will be used for the supply of ammunition, maintenance of equipment and weapons, improvement of cyber security, as well as for the restoration and reconstruction of the country. In 2024, the Netherlands will continue to train Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers.

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