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U.S. imposes new sanctions on Russia and countries helping it produce weapons

05.02.2024 | 10:26 ნახვები: 235

The U.S. government has announced hundreds of new sanctions against Russia's military and industrial base, chemical and biological weapons programs, as well as companies and individuals in third countries that help Russia produce weapons.

This is said in an official statement by the U.S. Department of Treasury, released on Wednesday, Ukrinform reports.

“The United States continues to degrade Russia’s military-industrial base and target third-country support with nearly 300 new sanctions,” the document says.

It is noted that the U.S. Department of the Treasury has imposed sanctions on nearly 200 organizations and individuals. The action includes targets located in Azerbaijan, Belgium, the PRC, Russia, Slovakia, Türkiye, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), that enable Russia to acquire desperately-needed technology and equipment from abroad. 

In addition, the U.S. Department of State is imposing sanctions on over 80 entities and individuals that are engaged in sanctions evasion and circumvention or are related to Russia’s chemical and biological weapons programs and defense industrial base

The U.S. Department of State is also targeting Russia’s revenue generation through its future energy, metals, and mining production and sanctioning additional individuals in connection with the death of opposition leader and anticorruption activist Aleksey Navalny.

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