ჯო უილსონი - მოხარული ვიყავი შევხვედროდი სახელმწიფო მდივანს მარკო რუბიოს, მოუთმენლად ველი მასთან მუშაობას საქართველოში, ტუნისსა და პაკისტანში დემოკრატიის აღსადგენად
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სალომე ზურაბიშვილი - „კი“ სანქციებს, ეს დღეს ხალხის ძალიან ძლიერი მოთხოვნაა
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კაია კალასი - რუსეთმა უგუნურად შეუტია ჩერნობილის ატომურ ელექტროსადგურს - ეს კიდევ ერთხელ აჩვენებს, რომ რუსეთი მშვიდობას არ ეძებს
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Ukraine’s Air Defense intercepts 400 Russian targets in past week

13.01.2025 ნახვები: 455

Ukraine’s air defense forces shot down 400 drones and missiles launched by Russian invaders over the territory of Ukraine during the week.

That’s according to the Air Force Command, Ukrinform reports.

In the reporting week (from Jan 6 to Jan 12), four missiles, 299 Shahed one-way attack drones, 67 reconnaissance drones, and 30 UAVs of other types were shot down.

Tactical aviation carried out 40 sorties as part of fighter cover missions, attack, and air support of ground forces.

Read also: Eighty injured in recent Russian attacks on Zaporizhzhia remain in hospitals

It is noted that Ukrainian pilots hit 43 air targets, and also engaged the enemy by launching dozens of bombs and missiles of various types.

As a result, control points, manpower and equipment clusters, and field ammunition depots were hit.

Soldiers from the Combined Rifle Brigade of the Air Force executed 95 FPV drone attacks and 50 explosive payload drops, eliminating 75 Russian soldiers and destroying two infantry fighting vehicles and four units of automotive equipment, completing 24 missions.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, overnight Sunday, January 12, Russian troops attacked Ukraine with 94 Shahed drones and decoy UAVs of other types aimed to deplete air defenses. The Ukrainian forces shot down 60 enemy targets while 34 veered off course, causing no damage on the ground.

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