ლევან ხაბეიშვილი - სახელმწიფოს ყველაზე დიდი შეურაცხყოფა, დამცირება და დაცინვა
მამუკა ხაზარაძე - მოსახლეობას სიმშვიდისკენ მოვუწოდებთ
ALDE და Liberal International - ახალი პრეზიდენტის „არჩევა“ ქართველი ხალხის სურვილებს არ ასახავს
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სალომე ზურაბიშვილი ორბელიანების სასახლესთან შეკრებილ მოქალაქეებს - მადლობა თქვენ, მადლობა ჩვენ ახალგაზრდებს
ეგრეთ წოდებულმა საარჩევნო კოლეგიამ ეგრეთ წოდებულ პრეზიდენტად მიხეილ ყაველაშვილი აირჩია
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Russia continues war crimes against Ukrainians, resorting to torture, violence - UN report

30.10.2024 ნახვები: 287

The Russian Federation continues to commit war crimes against civilians and Ukrainian prisoners of war, including torture and sexual violence.

According to an Ukrinform correspondent in New York, this is stated in the latest report of the independent international commission of inquiry into Russian crimes in Ukraine, which was presented to the Third Committee of the General Assembly by the chairman of the commission, Erik Møse.

The report presents findings related to torture, sexual violence, attacks with explosive weapons that targeted civilians and facilities, and attacks on energy infrastructure.

The Commission notes that the Russian authorities used torture, which is a war crime, and committed human rights violations against Ukrainian civilians and prisoners of war in the context of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

It is noted that Russia has widely and systematically used torture in all temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, including in places of detention. 

The documented cases show that the Russian authorities used personnel who acted in a coordinated manner and in accordance with the division of responsibilities. 

The document states that the collected testimonies indicate the involvement of officials from the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, as well as the Russian armed forces. Witnesses reportedly mentioned orders to use torture and a prevailing sense of impunity.

The Commission believes that “the Russian authorities acted in accordance with a coordinated state policy and therefore committed crimes against humanity. 

The victims interviewed described physical pain and injuries with long-lasting or irreparable consequences and emphasized the enormous psychological problems they face. The documented cases demonstrate a blatant and profound disregard by the Russian authorities for physical integrity and human dignity, the document says.

In addition, the commission investigated attacks with the use of explosive weapons that have targeted civilians and objects, including medical and cultural facilities, which are protected by international humanitarian law.

Read also: Russian troops shelled Stanislav in Kherson region at night, two children wounded

Continuous massive attacks by the Russian Federation on Ukraine's energy infrastructure lead to power outages and sometimes affect millions of civilians, the document says. 

In its conclusions, the commission reaffirmed the importance of holding perpetrators accountable in the interests of victims and eradicating the practice of impunity.

As reported, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Violations in Ukraine was established by the UN Human Rights Council in 2022 to investigate all human rights violations and abuses and related crimes in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The commission is composed of human rights defenders Erik Møse (Chair), Pablo de Greiff and Vrinda Grover.

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