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In nuclear deterrence, Europe should avoid seeking revolutionary solutions – MEP

30.10.2024 ნახვები: 277

EU countries may consider establishing their own nuclear deterrent system, but in the short term, efforts should focus on enhancing conventional military capabilities.

This was stated in an interview with Ukrinform by European Parliament member Andrius Kubilius, who has been nominated for the position of European Commissioner for Defense and Space in the new European Commission.

"We need to think. We can discuss all these issues. However, we should likely consider both the short-term and long-term perspectives. When I talk about the short-term perspective, I mean conventional deterrence measures, strengthening our conventional forces, ground troops, air defense systems, and so on. But in the long term, we must explore all possibilities and needs. Clearly, this takes time, and we should not seek any revolutionary solutions here," Kubilius emphasized.

Read also: MEP: We must prepare for any military aggression and assess available resources

As reported by Ukrinform, Andrius Kubilius stated that Russian aggression against Ukraine has served as a "wake-up call" for all of Europe, which has recognized its vulnerabilities and the necessity of uniting efforts to be capable of defending itself against modern security challenges.

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