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Khmelnytskyi community hands over EW equipment worth over UAH 1M to military

10.07.2024 ნახვები: 287

The Khmelnytskyi community handed over EW and communication equipment worth almost UAH 1.3 million to the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

According to Ukrinform, Khmelnytskyi Mayor Oleksandr Symchyshyn announced this on Facebook.

"We are handing over 7 EW systems for the Defense Forces. The purchase is budgetary, 7 EW systems and 1 mobile communication system cost almost UAH 1.3 million," Symchyshyn wrote.


According to him, the community has already handed over more than 3,800 FPV drones, 310 quadcopters with thermal imagers, more than 70 EW, surveillance, and mobile communications systems to the military.

Read also: Kyiv sends 1,000 FPV drones to 3rd Assault Brigade

The mayor added that the Khmelnytskyi community also sends locally produced quadcopters and hexacopters to the Defense Forces.

As Ukrinform previously reported, another 250 FPV drones worth more than UAH 3.5 million were transferred to the Defense Forces from Khmelnytskyi.

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